Race Training


If my records are correct we have 4 more places available on “Introduction to Racing” which takes place tomorrow, 11am – 4pm.

The session is particularly aimed at those relatively new to racing or those that have not raced but would like to. The exact programme will depend on the ability and experience of those that attend and the wind strength (current forecast 13-14 mph). Practices will include race starts which are a crucial skill for all sailors and especially for beginners to master.

I am happy for more experienced sailors to join us to benefit from starting practice and perhaps to mentor some of the race newbies.

If you would like to join us please contact me via messenger, email (chris174483@yahoo.co.uk) or text 0788 192 3432 before 10pm this evening. I will confirm your place by return.

The following have booked their place:

Jack Van Bergen
Isabel Poole
Harry Van Bergen
Millie Poole
Brian Etherington (sailing green club Laser)
Kelsey Green
Phil Godfrey
Jackie Godfrey

Please let me know if I’ve overlooked you or for any reason you are no longer able to attend.

Sail faster in 2016
Chris Jones

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